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    Half Baked Love

    You say forever is a myth,
    But you think it is true??
    The love that you keep on cursing,
    You really think it is harsh on you?

    This thing is wrong in our generation,
    We have changed the entire concept of love.
    We fall easily, we quit easily.
    And then weep with saying, "our story wasn't written in the heaven above."

    We throw I LOVE YOU so easily.
    That seems to have lost all its charm.
    We're the ones who failed to fight for the heavenly love
    And then we keep blaming fate for all the harm.

    They say, "Love can happen twice."
    Well, of course, it surely can.
    But, the KIND of love that happens only once,
    The kind that heals you, the kind where it all began.

    Every time you curse your love,
    Or keep making all that fuss,
    Remember, love is beautiful and forever is real,
    It's just not meant for people like us.

    Pragyan Manjari Nayak

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