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    A World of Happiness

    A World of Happiness

    Detangled the tangled ways
    Ways that lead to the world so real
    A world, where peace can be sold in rupees
    A world, where the meaning of life
    is just to secure the future thee.

    Thanking the creator,
    who created the living beings
    The living, who now control the extinct
    The extinct, the lost, who vanished
    Or in progress to vanish
    Are now gathering the happiness
    on the way to infinity.
    Being a body with a soul
    Now in search of entity of the world
    A world, where once peace was free of cost
    and love was with the inner soul
    A world where the meaning of life
    was to live the present
    With facing the odds.

    And on the way to happiness
    I found myself
    decoding the coded word 
    The word that means the real world of life
    A life, full of joy, peace, and smiles wide.

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