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    Covid Crisis: A boon or A curse?

    Covid Crisis: A boon or A curse?

    Covid & Corona...Both of these terms become very familiar to every living being of the globe in the last year. Starting from a wet market of the Wuhan (China), It became the “Global Pandemic”& also became one of the most widely spread diseases, caused by a Virus called “ SARS – COV-2”. Just because of this crisis, the entire sphere had suffered through a catastrophic situation. It not only had degraded the Global economy but also had affected the life of massive numbers of people.

    I know ...Of course... every being is considering this crisis as the biggest curse...I do also. But do you ever think like “Is there any blessing hidden behind this?” or Do you ever consider the lightened side of this hurdle? Generally Everything, every situation has two aspects i.e positive & negative. Like that this crisis had also two aspects. The lightened side of this crisis may be existing on a small scale but it still existing which we can’t disregard.

    So before discussing these aspects, Let me define the Covid-19 briefly. 

    About Covid-19 Pandemic:

    When an infection due to a bacterium or virus becomes capable of spreading widely & rapidly over multiple countries & continents, that would be considered a Pandemic. The disease behind a pandemic can cause severe illness & can also spread easily from one person to another.

     Covid-19 is also known as Corona, which is derived from the Latin word “Corona” which means “Crown”. This term was used for the first time in a journal by a group of virologists in the year 1968. In the term “Covid-19”, “Co” stands for Corona, “Vi” for Virus & “D” for disease. So ultimately the term “Covid” is the blend of two terms i.e “Corona virus+ Disease”. As the first case of the disease was identified in the year 2019, that’s why the term is written as “Covid-19” which means “Coronavirus disease- 2019”. The term Covid is coined by WHO (World Health Organization) in February 2020.

    The disease is caused by the virus “SARS-CoV-2”, which is the related virus strain of SARS-CoV-1 that caused the 2002-4 SARS outbreak. The origin of this virus is still an enigma. Some sources narrate that it has a zoonotic origin & has close genetic similarity to the bat coronaviruses while other sources consider that the virus came in contact with the human being by a wet market of Wuhan, where the meat of the “Bat” was being sold. On the other side, some other sources also narrate that this virus is a Human-made virus that has been prepared artificially in a laboratory. But none of these statements has been proved by anyone yet. Whether the virus has come from the wet market or has prepared in a laboratory. It still is a great dilemma. The first case was identified in Wuhan on 17th November 2019. As of February 2021, 110 million people are infected, 2.45 million people died due to this.

    Corona as a Curse:

    Undoubtedly the corona is one of the biggest curses for the entire globe. It not only halted the Global economy but also affected the higher number of people which lead to social disruption, General hardship on a wider scale. It created a dilemma for the decision-makers. They got stuck in between whether they should save the economy or save the lives. Of course, It appeared impossible to do both. The global economy became paralyzed. Industries became shut which boosted the unemployment. Unemployment leads to a poor financial condition which leads to depression. In some cases, Depression leads to domestic violence & in other cases, It leads to suicide. Due to the nationwide lockdown, the sources of people’s income got halted as no one was allowed to step outside of their home at that time. Those days became a challenge for the wage labourers to survive. Due to the rapid spread & infection, some lost their lives, some lost their loved ones. Blissfully some also got recovered after being infected. Self-quarantine, use of mask & sanitizer became mandatory. 

    The dark side of the corona is existing on a wider scale, which we can’t define within a paragraph or a page. All we can say that we’re not wishing to see this kind of situation again in our future. 

    Corona as Boon:

    As earlier I had written “Everything, every situation has two aspects i.e positive & negative. In my previous paragraph, I had discussed the dark side of this crisis briefly. So here...I’m going to discuss the lightened side of this crisis briefly, Though the positive side is existing on a small scale. 

    First of all...That catastrophic situation was a boon for nature, the environment & animals. Due to strict lockdown, no vehicle got used, Everybody was instructed to stay indoors, which decreased the rate of environmental pollution, air pollution. Studies showed that air quality has improved & the water bodies became cleaner due to nationwide lockdown. This apid pandemic was a blessing for the river Ganga. It was reported that the water of the Ganga was shimmering & became more clear and so transparent through which one is able to see its aquatic life. 

    “What could not be achieved in the last 34 years since the inception of GAP(Ganga Action Plan) in 1986 & the lunch of "Namami Gange" in 2014, with hundreds of rupees being pumped in, is visible in just 34-35 days of lockdown” 

    A statement said by Prof. B D Tripathy, the chairman of Mahamana Malaviya Research Center for Ganga, BHU.

    This Covid-19 has changed many things & created a new normal. Lifestyle changed, people became more health-conscious. Masks & sanitizers became part of their routine life. People got enough time for their families. Apart from studies, students & individuals worked on their hidden skills to make it finer. People became more creative.

    Yes, this crisis had halted the nation’s economy but it is said that Due to Covid-19, Industry dynamics might turn favourable for India. In the coming days, our country might get big opportunities to attract investors. I believe this crisis played a significant role to reset India and people's life as well. 


    Though the vaccine for covid-19 is now discovered, which is also helping to reduce its death toll. But still, we can’t ignore the chances or the risks of future pandemics like Covid-19. The future is always uncertain as no one can predict it. We can’t say that we won’t face any pandemic situation like this in our near future. Therefore we need to be more conscious regarding our health. Need to care for nature more. “If we won’t take care of nature, it won’t take care of us”. Do use masks & sanitizers regularly to prevent yourself from the infection because there's a quote 

    “Prevention is better than cure”.

    - Bidisha Patro
    M.Sc 1st year, Anthropology
    Khallikote (auto). College, BERHAMPUR

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